Graphic Design includes a host of things: Typography-the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader, Color Theory- the science and art of using color-, Layout-the arrangement of visual elements on a page, Branding- the process of giving a meaning to a specific organization, company, products or services by creating and shaping a brand in consumers’ minds, just to name a few.

Color Theory
Using color harmonies and typography on a magazine cover. Photoshop and photo manipulation.

Color Book
Color harmony using pop art as inspiration.
Edward Lear Spread uses type to express the corkiness of the author and bring life to his poem.
Jeff Manning Magazine Spread
Created a magazine spread and tailored the font, layout, and designs to the artist’s work. Utilized typography, color, and negative space.
Neville Brody Magazine Spread
Created a magazine spread and tailored the fonts, layout, and designs to artist’s style. Utilized typography and color theory.